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第一次看到QQ上有个朋友的名字变成蓝色时,羡慕得不得了,以为他是一个高手,可以将自己的名字颜色变得与众不同,为此在QQ的各个功能栏里试了无数次更换色彩仍不得正果。   于是发信息过去:怎么把名字弄成蓝色的啊?   朋友回过来:有事,等会再说。   小x:好吧。   朋友:有事,等会再说。   小x:嗯?知道了。   朋友:有事,等会再说。   小x:你口吃啊?   朋友:有事,等会再说。   ……   N久之后,俺终于弄懂了那是自动回复……   痛定思痛,奋起反攻。当下闭眼,设置回复,更换回复,见有中招者,
nwgamtxx 08.01.2012 0 273

,beats by dre to the power of 2011 , effective immediately, new and old customers in the Published contributors receive points and experience the value of Hong reward money ,ralph lauren, improve the user level , but also beautiful in-kind gift exchange .
nwgamtxx 29.12.2011 0 241

?? Childhood living in the south of the village, playing I can remember, there is a pear tree behind the old house. That neighbor, my brother and I planted in the north bedroom window. Each spring comes, she always told me that woke up the first news of se
nwgamtxx 28.11.2011 0 237
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