Buscar blogs publicados en:28.04.2012

El Universo es un ser vivo que se expresa y manifiesta continuamente a través de ti y a tu alrededor. Como todos los elementos de la conciencia, se compone de dos fuerzas opuestas que trabajan entre sí, formando un ciclo armónico y equilibrado. Inhalar
BenjiSoloLoBueno 28.04.2012 0 795

Esta es ignorancia a secas: “¿Cómo se supone que lo sepa? Nadie me lo dijo.” ¿Pensaste en preguntar? Si tienes una boca, podrías haber preguntado. Cuando no escuchamos algo, podemos ser ignorantes. Pero esa ignorancia se puede corregir escuchando. E
BenjiSoloLoBueno 28.04.2012 0 856

BEIJING, April?28 (Xinhuanet) -- A suicide bombing has killed at least 10 people and injured nearly 30 outside a mosque in central Damascus. Three other smaller explosions have also been reported in the capital fake lv belts, killing 1 person. The explo
Barry132 28.04.2012 0 164

SEOUL Oakley Jupiter Squared black Sunglasses, April 28 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's main opposition Democratic United Party on Saturday urged the government to suspend U.S. beef imports as food safety concerns rise following the latest case of mad cow di
Barry132 28.04.2012 0 112

Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang (L) meets with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow, Russia, April 27, 2012. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang (L) meets with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow, Russia, April 27, 2012
Barry132 28.04.2012 0 160

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wudongni 28.04.2012 0 194

Lawmakers have urged the government to address the trend of holding dual nationality, which is illegal in China. Jin Shuoren, a member of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, said on Thursday that although being a citizen of two or even mor
Barry132 28.04.2012 0 446

Lawmakers have urged the government to address the trend of holding dual nationality, which is illegal in China. Jin Shuoren, a member of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, said on Thursday that although being a citizen of two or even mor
Barry132 28.04.2012 0 103

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gdfhdf3333 28.04.2012 0 163

Poursuivant leur célébration au sein de l'anniversaire de Dunks 25, Nike a récemment introduit l'Soyez fidèle à votre routeVNTG Nike Dunks LowPack. parmi les plus grands saisines concernant le traitement Nikes Vintage de ses chaussures est le simple fait
sallyzhou 28.04.2012 0 137