Etiquetas - chea

One of the reasons I'm leery of these changes as a whole - the loss of valor points, the loss of scenarios as evergreen content, the loss of daily quests and quest hubs - is that they provided me with choices even if I didn't want to partake in them. I rar
qfsdfsd 25.09.2014 0 531

Yesterday evening the background downloader for patch 6.0.2 became active, serving up around 15GB of patch data. Shortly after the downloader became active Blizzard pulled it offline. Zarhym explains.It's important to note that Zarhym goes on to say that a
qfsdfsd 24.09.2014 0 935

Blizzard has put together another giant pile of updates to many of the fan content galleries on the official site this week. Included with this round of updates is a new wallpaper featuring Chen Stormstout, along with a new fan comic. But the highlight of
qfsdfsd 23.09.2014 0 645

But that is not enough to lead a faction. It's not enough to simply exist as people that have been saved. You can't sit there and express gratitude forever and simply be content with that -- you need more of a purpose to life than that, and that's where Th
qfsdfsd 22.09.2014 0 432

If you happen to have a group of, say, 20 folks to hand and you want to test out what Mythic Raiding is going to be all about, then rejoice, for you'll have that opportunity. Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas had once again revealed to us the schedule for the next
qfsdfsd 19.09.2014 0 377

If you were wondering what the BlizzCon 2014 pet was going to be, wonder no more, for it is Grommloc, the mightiest of murlocs. Announced via the official World of Warcraft twitter, this little guy will be available for those of us who get to attend BlizzC
qfsdfsd 18.09.2014 0 266

Up until today we were all expecting to be able to purchase heirlooms with gold come patch 6.0.2. This was going to happen due to the removal of Justice Points and Valor Points. However Blizzard has decided to make a change and remove the ability to purcha
qfsdfsd 17.09.2014 0 219

Dungeons can be tricky to balance. Too easy, and everything turns into a 'go go go' zergdown. Too hard, and no one wants to run them. This is of course subject to change as gear and skill and familiarity all increase, of course. But it's a topic that Ion H
qfsdfsd 16.09.2014 0 531

There are no spoilers for Warlords of Draenor here, because we're not talking about that Blackhand. No, the Blackhand we're going to talk about today is the original, the first Warchief of the Horde, the leader of the Blackrock orcs. A raider of the Sytheg
qfsdfsd 15.09.2014 0 513

Now that we know that the new character models will be accompanied by the ability to change your face via the barber shop, it's safe to say that one of the new features that has been concerning some players has been addressed. I think it's a pretty solid c
qfsdfsd 12.09.2014 0 696