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Medivh was gone, yes -- but the orcs he had unleashed on Azeroth were not. At the end of the First War, the kingdom of Stormwind lay in ruin, and those that had survived the attacks fled north, to Lordaeron. Khadgar was among those that fled -- and as time
qfsdfsd 01.12.2014 0 1609

This is one of those times when we're talking about the Warlords version of a character, and not the original. This is not the Ner'zhul we know - this is not the elder shaman who united the orc clans while being manipulated by Kil'jaeden. Although this Ner
qfsdfsd 28.11.2014 0 1132

WoW's professions have changed a lot between Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor, making professions perhaps as easy as they've ever been for both leveling and crafting. Catch-up methods have made professions easier to level from zero while garrisons
qfsdfsd 27.11.2014 0 1075

Hold on to your elf ears! The Blood Elf model preview will be coming to an internet near you tomorrow, Tuesday, November 24. A tweet from the new @WarcraftDevs (which you should all be following) let us know about the impending release earlier today.The Bl
qfsdfsd 25.11.2014 0 454

Ages later, the world would see the rise of different races and creatures afflicted by the Curse of Flesh. One such race were the dwarves, who had evolved from stone servants created by the Titans. There was originally one main clan of the dwarven race --
qfsdfsd 24.11.2014 0 1348

It is type of incredible to understand which Amazing becomes 10 the next day, as well as all of us obtain Molten Primary as well as Southshore versus. Tarren Generator in order to commemorate. The actual good people from Wowhead possess a comprehensive man
qfsdfsd 21.11.2014 0 713

"I've been making headway against the Iron Horde, but it seemed for every step forward, I'd take two back," writes submitter Dimmak of Gilneas (US-A). "I turned to my adviser Khadgar looking for help. He just shrugged off my worries though, making a joke a
qfsdfsd 19.11.2014 0 1099

Garrison Resources are something you may casually dismiss while leveling up. Quests are granting them left and right, you're not having any problems building your first building or two, and everything looks peachy. So you're thinking that you may as well s
qfsdfsd 18.11.2014 0 943

The orcs of Draenor had a society that relied heavily on shaman -- mystics who could commune with the elements, the spirits, the ancestors. We don't know when the practice began, but we do know that it changed dramatically with the arrival of the Genedar.
qfsdfsd 17.11.2014 0 1171

I think what we realized is that we needed to integrate it into the core of the game as a whole. Because we looked at it -- once we were where we were at, in development after BlizzCon, and we saw it as it was feeling a little bit too far removed out of th
qfsdfsd 14.11.2014 0 977
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